Welcome to my blog. I plan to do occasional posts before I set off and then every
few days on the trip.
On May 12th 2012 I will be dipping the rear wheel of my bike
into the Pacific Ocean
in Los Angeles and heading for the Atlantic in Boston.
I am funding the trip myself, however I am seeking sponsorship for The Multiple Sclerosis
Society. Please consider supporting my sponsorship by clicking on the "Sponsor me " link.
Note all of your donation will be going to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

I am looking forward to this great challenge and hope you find my blog of interest.
Please enter your email details on the right to receive updates. Thanks

Monday 20 February 2012

Less than three months now until I set off. Training going reasonably well. Weight is reducing but not fast enough. Exercise makes me hungry!. Doing a mixture of mainly cycling, some running and weights in the gym.

£200 kindly donated by EA Technology towards my target. Had a great promise of substantial sponsorship from Russell Haydock. If you need a wet room, bathroom or tiling doing I can recommend Russell he does a great job (www.russellhaydock.com).  Tee shirts kindly supplied by BlahdBlah together with my leaflets to hand out and posters.